A colophon is a nobby designer word for ‘how this site was made’

This site was made using the quartz project. With theming inspired by moonscript and the TokyoNight Theme


The authoring of content is done using Neovim on the Warp Terminal


This site primarily uses the Inconsolata font for all of it’s content.


I use cloudflare pages for hosting the statically built content of the site

Growth Stages

Notes have a growth stage inspired by Maggie Appleton where quick and unexplored thoughts are tagged as seed. More well thought notes, potentially with sources and more structure are tagged as budding.

From there notes have two different paths. Thoughts that are closer to prose and include original thoughts are turned into posts while notes that are closer to reference pages are tagged as evergreen. Evergreen notes present a completed idea, but can be updated with new content.

[tags/review | Reviews] are notes and synthesis from reading some other piece of content. Could be a tutorial, blog posts, book, etc. These can turn into posts as well

[tags/pattern | Patterns] are repeatable design patterns that I’ve found helpful when working on projects are can be reference sheets for different tools and platforms. These generally will also be evergreen notes.